Monday, November 25, 2013

Just so you know ...

I haven't been eaten by a bear or anything.  I started writing a novel, along with the thousands of others who do this in November during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  The idea is to try to finish a 50,000-word novel by the end of the month.  So, while I am nowhere near finishing it in time, I have actually started writing something that I've been thinking about for years and years, and I've gotten really engaged in the process.  So blogging, I figured, would take a back seat through November.  After that, though, I imagine I'll be back here and there (and hopefully more here).

The Hunger Within workshop is almost over, sadly.  It has really been a big deal.  I feel much better, although I don't suppose the scale is showing a big dip.  The important thing for me is not to concentrate on the scale, but to pay close attention to changing the script in my head.  And I do find that I'm eating better and enjoying the good foods more.  Mostly, at this point, my shorthand phrase as I choose what to eat is, "Will this make me feel better?"  Better physically, better emotionally, better psychologically?  Am I choosing as an adult or making choices based on a child's mind?  It's still a struggle at times, but when I actually eat mindfully, I'd much rather be eating real food than processed pap.  So things are looking up!  I do generally have more energy and feel happier, so this is all very good.  More later!


Tavie said...

I've just caught up - fell behind on your blog a bit. So amazing to see your process throughout all of this - changing your thinking. It's heady stuff (no pun - OK, a little pun intended.)

Wincey said...

It's really been fun, too. Sometimes very emotional, but I always feel better at the end of each session, and this self-compassion business is pretty great. I recommend it to everyone.